Monthly Archives: February 2013 Gets Gates, Zuckerberg, and More to Talk About Importance of Coding [Video]

A few weeks ago launched with the goal of getting more young people excited about coding. When they launched there were rumors that they were producing a video with some of the biggest names in coding like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. Today they released that video, and sure enough, Gates and Zuckerberg are in there. They’re in good company too, with some big name coders from Twitter, Dropbox, and for some reason The takeaway message? Being a programmer now is basically like being a junk bond trader in the 1980s, except the cocaine and strippers have been replaced with free pizza and awesome rumpus rooms, and the bond trading has been replaced with doing something of some utility to society.

Gates and Zuckerberg are joined by Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, Dropbox’s Drew Houston, Facebook’s first female engineer Ruchi Sanghvi, and others. They talk about how and why they started coding and what it’s done for them — which in the case of figures like Zuckerberg and Gates is one hell of a lot. The video also shows the offices of some of these tech companies, where coders are treated like royalty, presented with free food, video games, and all the other things that would get a young person’s attention.

It’s great that is trying to get people excited about coding. When the site launched they posted this infographic that outlined the growing number of computer jobs, and how quickly it is out pacing the number of computer science students.

If you’re looking to pick up some coding skills ,you can head over to to find the resources you need, and if you’re a parent or educator you can get information on registering your school to get them started teaching computer science.


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Fancy Input: jQuery-Plugin für CSS3-Effekte in Textfeldern

Formulare sind langweilig. Fancy Input macht Eingabefelder optisch ansprechend und versieht sie mit CSS3-Effekten und Animationen. Ist dieses jQuery-Plugin ein Must-Have oder reine Spielerei?

Das Ausfüllen von Formular-Feldern ist meistens keine sonderlich spannende Aufgabe. Mit Fancy Input werden Formularfelder auf jeden Fall deutlich unterhaltsamer. Das experimentelle jQuery-Plugin bringt CSS3-Effekte in Textfelder und bietet so einen unerwarteten und beeindruckenden Effekt.

Fancy Input benutzen

Der Einsatz des Skriptes ist sehr einfach. Mit dem unten stehenden Code erzeugt ihr ein Eingabefeld mit dem Standard-Effekt von Fancy Input.

<div><input type='text' /></div>
<script>$('div > input').fancyInput();</script>

fancy input1 Fancy Input – Effekt 1

In der aktuellen Fassung unterstützt das Plugin fünf verschiedene Text-Effekte, die über Hinzufügen der Klassen „effect2“-„effect5“ im übergeordneten div-Element aktiviert werden können.

<div class="effect3"><input type='text' /></div>
<script>$('div > input').fancyInput();</script>

fancy input 3 Fancy Input – Effekt 2

Fancy Input: Brauchen wir das wirklich?

Fancy Input bringt zwangsläufig die Frage nach dem tatsächlichen Nutzen mit sich. Muss sich wirklich alles auf einer Webseite bewegen, hüpfen, leuchten oder in irgendeiner anderen Form auf sich aufmerksam machen? Muss man heutzutage noch zeigen, was alles möglich ist, oder sollte man sich vielleicht doch lieber auf die wirklich wichtigen Bestandteile des Projektes konzentrieren?

Mit den zunehmenden Möglichkeiten für Webworker stehen wir vor der großen Herausforderung das „Over-Doing“ zu vermeiden. Eine Phase, die wir schon mit Flash erleben mussten und hoffentlich bald komplett hinter uns lassen können. Mit Tools wie Adobe Edge Animate wird die Erstellung solcher Animationen deutlich vereinfacht, so dass es an uns liegt zu entscheiden, wie wir diese Möglichkeiten einsetzen.

Das von Yair Even-Or entwickelte Plugin ist auf jeden Fall einen Blick wert und zeigt wieder einmal, wie viel Potenzial die aktuellen Web-Technologien haben. Eine Live-Demo und den Download zum Plugin findet ihr auf der Webseite von Fancy Input. Derzeit läuft Fancy Input in allen aktuellen Browsern mit CSS3-Untersützung außer dem Internet Explorer.

via t3n News

Survey: Most Developers Now Prefer HTML5 For Cross-Platform Development


According to a new survey commissioned by Telerik’s Kendo UI, the majority of developers now prefer to work with HTML5 instead of native apps for their cross-platform development. Half of the 5,000 developers surveyed in the company’s 2013 Global Developer Survey also said that they developed apps using HTML5 in 2012 and 90% of them plan to do so in 2013. Only 15% of developers said they would prefer to use a native-only approach.

The idea behind the survey, Kendo UI’s VP of the company’s HTML5 web and mobile division Todd Anglin told me last week, was to understand how developers are working with HTML5 and what kinds of apps they are developing.

The company, however, also looked at the larger HTML5 ecosystem and found, for example, that most developers said they were interested in developing for Windows 8 (66%) – something Microsoft will likely be happy to hear – and ChromeOS (47%), but weren’t all that interested in Blackberry 10 (13%) and Tizen (8%). It’s worth noting that this preference doesn’t always result in actual products getting shipped. Many of these developers are probably working for larger corporations that don’t give them the flexibility to develop in the languages they would like to.

Kendo UI surveyed about 5,000 developers from around the world for this survey over the course of January 2013. Most of the developers worked for small and medium businesses (51%) , 29% worked for startups and 20% for enterprises. Given that these developers were likely already interested in HTML5 before they took the survey, chances are the results are somewhat biased toward HTML5.

Interestingly, the developers surveyed by Kendo UI also said that Blackberry and iOS are the most difficult platforms to develop for. Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 ranked as the easiest with Android falling in the middle. As Anglin noted, the reason for this could be the fact that developers can use HTML5 to write apps for the Windows platforms, but also that Microsoft provides a very robust set of tools for its developer ecosystem.

As for the kinds of HTML5 apps developers are working on, the survey found a clear emphasis on productivity apps (54%) and utilities (38%). Entertainment, lifestyle, travel apps and games ranked at the bottom of the list.

Given these results, it’s no surprise that most developers also told the researchers that they thought the most important modern web technologies right now include forms and validation, databases and flexible layouts (grids, flexbox, etc.)

via TechCrunch

Getting Ridiculous: Chinese Vendors Now Selling Fake Walnuts

Chinese vendors are the place to go if you’re looking for counterfeit merchandise. The nation that practically invented the knockoff Coach bag has raised counterfeiting goods to a sublime art form, going so far as to open entirely fake Apple stores so convincing they fool even their own employees. The latest story of a fake product coming out of China, though, has left us too impressed to offer anything but a slow clap as at least one street vendor there has started selling fake walnuts — walnut shells with the nut taken out and replaced with a less tasty chunk of concrete.

While the fake is pretty well done and ingenious, it’s not the most complicated job in the world. The enterprising walnut salesman simply cracked open some of the nuts, removed the meat, and replaced it with a chunk of cement, sometimes wrapped in paper to deaden the sound of pebbles and rocks rattling around in a walnut shell. Then, the shell gets glued back together and returned to the bins, where it waits it’s turn to disappoint and freak out a customer.

(via SingaporeSeen, image courtesy of Xinhua News Agency)

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